logoK West Coast
Homeopathic Society




January:  A dozen WCHS members take shifts staffing the WCHS booth at the Victoria Health Show, distributing more information materials than ever before!

April:  WCHS joins over 3 dozen other organizations from over 2 dozen countries to celebrate World Homeopathy Awareness Week in honour of the 250th anniversary of Hahnemann's birth.

May:  "Great", "wonderful", "brilliant", and "superb" are some of the descriptions from attendees of this year's 2005 Conference & AGM in Vancouver, celebrating our Society's 10th anniversary with keynote speakers, Karen Allen and Robin Logan.

June:  Founding president, Susan Broznitsky, shares recollections of the year leading up to our incorproation on June 9, 1995.

June:  The Political Action committee investigates the question of professional regulation for homeopaths in Ontario, resulting in a Board response to the province's Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HPRAC) and at least 40 letters from WCHS members (mainly from Ontario) with their own comments.

July:  After two years of investigation and negotiation, the Board announces an optional professional liability insurance group plan for our professional members.

August:  Press release from WCHS rejects conclusions about homeopathy published recently in Lancet.

September:  WCHS celebrates the 250th anniversary of Hahnemann's birth on the waterfront at Vancouver's beautiful Locarno Beach.





January:  West Coast Homeopathic Society hands over membership and professional registration responsibilities to the Canadian Society of Homeopaths.

March:  WCHS and the Canadian Society of Homeopaths submit a joint response to the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) as part of their consultative process to review compounding and raw materials interim policies affecting natural health products.

April:  Congratulations to the Canadian Society of Homeopaths for successfully co-ordinating this year's Homeopathy Awareness Week entitled Homeopathy for Children, for which the World Homeopathic Awareness Committee awards CSH First Prize for "the greatest contribution towards homeopathic awareness" in 2006!

May:  This year's Conference & AGM 2006 is held at the Arbutus Club in Vancouver, where members ratify the Board's direction regarding the Canadian Society of Homeopaths and elect a new Board of Directors.

November:  The first snowfall of the season blankets Vancouver as WCHS members celebrate the end of another busy year at our first WinterFest party at the Arbutus Club.



January:  The Political Action committee organizes homeopaths and patients to participate in BC’s Conversations on Health forums across the province.

April:  Thanks to contributions by WCHS members Diane Louie (HAW Coordinator), Judy Chorney, and Marilyn Hirsekorn, this year's Homeopathy Awareness Week celebrations are a big success.

April:  WCHS celebrates another successful Conference & AGM 2007, followed the next day with a Post Conference seminar by Karen Allen.

October:  WCHS sponsors another information booth at the Vancouver Health Show, with over a dozen professional and student members explaining homeopathy to interested passers-by.

2007 October Vancouver Health Show sm

November:  Members and friends gather again at the Arbutus Club in Vancouver to celebrate our WinterFest, providing a festive close to another productive year.



April:  Homeopathy in Sports is the theme of the 2008 Homeopathy Awareness Week, which our members present through free lectures, meet & greets, information booths and displays, plus discounts and media coverage.

April:  The last weekend of the month marks another enthusiastically-received annual Conference, AGM, and Post Conference Seminar 2008 with keynote speaker, Douglas Brown.

May:  Several WCHS members join the demonstration in Vancouver to protest federal legislation affecting natural health products.
2008May ProtestVancouver2

June:  WCHS representatives attend two stakeholders meetings with staff from Health Canada regarding our concerns about Bills C-51 and C-52.

November:  This year's WinterFest celebration provides lots of fun, great food, and many prizes to take home!



April:  Our members join with others across the nation to celebrate the first Homeopathy Awareness Month in Canada, sponsored by the Canadian Society of Homeopaths.

April:  Keynote speaker, Krista Heron, headlines another successful WCHS Conference, AGM and Post Conference Seminar 2009.

November:  Great food, fun, and friends mark our 2009 WinterFest at the Arbutus Club in Vancouver.




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West Coast Homeopathic Society
#101 - 1001 West Broadway, Unit 120
Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4
