As we celebrate West Coast Homeopathic Society’s 20 years of achievements and service to the homeopathic community, our annual conference welcomed the “Dynamic Duo”, Shachindra and Bhawisha Joshi, for a special 3-day intensive seminar.
Speaking on "Pattern Perception, In-depth Casetaking, Remedy Relationships", the Joshis expanded our understanding and practical use of the Sensation method. Cases used helped enhance our awareness of lesser known remedies and relationships in the materia medica.
The Joshi's presentation started with the evolution of homeopathy from Hahnemannian time to the current level, as demonstrated by cases, experiences of various physicians, and the Joshi’s own case studies, followed by their perspective towards this evolution. They also reviewed kingdom classification and their own technique of casetaking in clinical practice.
Sunday Seminar
The Sunday seminar covered understanding and simplifying the 3 main kingdoms (Plants, Minerals, Animals) and the technique of finding them in the patient’s story, along with similar remedy differences.
The conference ended with what the Joshis are doing lately in their clinical practice. They also demonstrated the co-relationship between kingdoms, remedies changing from one kingdom to other, and recognizing an animal connection in every case.