April: WCHS proudly sponsors Homeopathy Awareness events in BC during April. Three of our members won prizes from CSH for their participation!
April: Over 40 members and visitors enjoy another successful Annual Conference featuring an excellent 2-day presentation by speaker Sujit Chatterjee.
May: The first meeting of the new Board of Directors is held with Tammy Colleton-Nielsen, RCSHom; Zahoor Hussain; Muhammad Iqbal, RCSHom; Rehanni Khaseipoul, RCSHom; Shauna Kovach; Ram Saini, RCSHom; and Jo Twiss, RCSHom.
June: Four WCHS members talk homeopathy at the Wellness Show, Surrey Night Market in Cloverdale.
July: Amazing food, inspiring conversation, andd a warm send-off to Susan Gimbel, RCSHom and Murray Feldman, RCSHom highlight the summer potluck in Surrey.
September: This month's e-bulletin takes on a new look! You can subscribe to receive these by clicking here.
October: WCHS sponsors another successful public awareness opportunity at the Vancouver Health Show.
December: Our new mobile-friendly website is launched!